Kindergarten has been learning about pushes and pulls and how these forces make objects start moving, stop moving, and change direction! We have learned we can make big and small pushes and pulls, and that they can go in any direction! Students read a story with children who wanted to put up a swing set in their backyard, but had to move many rocks out of the way before they could do that. They had to move many rocks a long distance. Students used their knowledge of pushes and pulls to design and build an invention that would move many rocks easily across the backyard. Then we tested them out by pulling or pushing these inventions full of blocks up and down a ramp and across the carpet. If some rocks fell out, they changed their design and tested again!
Grade 2
Second graders have been studying a computer science unit where they learn how to code a computer! They have learned that people give computers directions with computer programs and that the computer follows the directions exactly as they are written. Students first did an "offline" coding program where they had to get a dog to its doghouse and pick up any bones along the way. If they made a mistake it was a "bug" in the program and they had to go back and fix their code. We tested their code on a giant game board on the floor. Then students work in partners to program their characters in a coding app called Scratch, Jr. Students "pair program" to develop 21st Century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. One student is a "driver" ( controlling the iPad) while the other is a "navigator", ( giving suggestions on what to do next, directing driver where to go, catching any potential "bugs"). We switch job roles halfway through class. Students worked together to create a simple video game that use loops and events to make their characters win the game!
Students pair programming in Scratch, Jr.
"Offline"coding game to learn how to give exact directions in a very specific order. Students had to work in a group of 3-4 and everyone had a specific job role.