5th Grade Robotics: Programming Autonomous Robots
5th graders have moved onto programming their robots to move without the use of a remote control. We used a new app called VEX IQ Blocks to give the robot the directions we want it to follow. Students have practiced making the robot move in a straight line, making it move in a square, and making it push blocks into a collection zone. They create the program on the app and then wirelessly download the program to the robot.
Measuring how far the robot needs to travel to get to a block.
Testing the program after downloading it.
One of the fields students program the robot to move blocks off of.
Will the program be successful?
Screenshot of code in the VEX IQ Blocks app
Applications for 5th Grade Robotics Club will be sent home next week. The Club prepares for the AAPS District-Wide Elementary Robotics Competition in January, and will meet during 2 lunch recesses a week, beginning the week of November 11th. The applications are due to me Monday, November 11th.