We have begun Project Lead the Way Computer Science and Engineering Classes at Pattengill for the 2019-20 school year! In this first 8 week session, 4th grade has begun their energy unit in which they use the VEX construction kits to build various mechanisms that help them not only learn how to work in a group, but also to study the way that objects move and what this has to do with different types of energy.
Working as a group with job roles to build a pendulum using 3D Software.
Measuring how far their vehicle rolls when released from a certain distance marked on the posterboard ramp.
Lots of great group work happening in our new collaboration room at Pattengill!
Mrs. Embry's and Ms. Kimmey/Ms. Beech's 5th grade classes have begun working with the VEX robotics kits, studying inputs and outputs, as well as how the robotics pieces operate. So far, we have built a "testbed" with all of the motorized robotics pieces and students are conducting several investigations with them to understand how they work. We will begin building the robots very soon and then completing timed challenges using them. These challenges incorporate collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication--the 4 Cs of 21st century thinking!
5th graders using 3D software to build a robotics testbed in order to investigate how the robotics pieces work.
Investigating with the testbed.